About us

Wyssen cableway systems has been manufacturing high-quality components for material cableways since 1926. With the invention of the cable crane in 1939, a new era was heralded in the management of mountain forests. Today, the Wyssen company is still the market leader in the field of cable cranes and material cableways. The company is continually setting new standards in modern cable crane construction with its latest carriage and cable winch models.

The name Wyssen cableway systems stands for innovation, quality, customer service, wide range of products and cost-effective solutions. Highest quality, functionality, reliability, operational safety and ease of operation are the characteristics of our “Made in Switzerland” products.

Our employees

Our teams at the front as well as in the background consist of top motivated and best qualified people, who are very happy to fulfill the customers’ wishes with a lot of heart and professionalism.
As a team of friends, we trust, respect and inspire each other. We live our passion for nature and technology. This is how our excellent products are created, something we are very proud of.


As an original mechanical engineering company, today we have the complete value creation at our company headquarters in Reichenbach i.K.. We develop software and electronics, design our machines ourselves, as well as production, storage, project management, marketing and service are located in Reichenbach.
This allows us to manufacture our solutions with the highest quality, functionality and safety, and to provide the customer with uncompromising service and professional advice around the clock.

Since 2023, our company has been ISO 9001: 2015 certified and our management system meets the requirements of the normative bases listed.

ISO Certifications

Our high-quality solutions revolutionize how people work.

ISO 14001:2015

We rely on environmentally conscious solutions to protect nature.

Certificate follows 2025

ISO 27001:2022

We are committed to continuously ensuring and improving information security through a systematic management system in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001:2022.

Certificate follows 2025

Our Know-How

Our customers are quality-conscious companies at home and abroad, for whom our flexibility , continuous innovation and the extensive know-how in cableway and machine construction are important factors. Thanks to our continuity and experience over decades in manufacturing machines and delivering spare parts, we will also be able to serve our wide and continually expanding customer base in the future. Forestry enterprises represent the principal part of our business. Increasingly more systems are also going to specialised cableway companies, who take on the often complex material transportation for building mountain railways, gas lines, pressure pipes and bridges etc.

A look at history - A Swiss family company

The origins of the Wyssen cableway systems goes back to 1926, when Jakob Wyssen senior, together with his brother purchased a mobile sawmill for wood and thus began to saw wood directly on location. Later a permanent sawmill was installed in Reichenbach, where today the Tropic restaurant is located. He thought about how he could optimise the conventional wood harvesting of that time, in order to avoid damage and pollution. Thus the idea of a cable crane was created, and he developed this for his own use. Since the advantages of this ingenious new development soon interested others, he received enquiries about selling such systems. He thus shifted his production from wood processing to manufacturing cable systems. Over the years innovative new developments followed. This led to Wyssen cable crane systems being used on all continents in over 60 countries up to now.

Wyssen Cable Crane System

The productive, ecological management and care of mountain forests Mountain forests can be thinned out in a profitable and careful manner using a Wyssen cable crane. The forest slopes can be divided into cultivation strips of about 100 m wide and up to 3,000 m long.

Seilkran System

Wyssen products worldwide in more than 60 countries

About us



Foundation Wyssen Seilbahnen AG

Founders: Jakob Wyssen and Fritz Wyssen



First transport cableway for wood



Development of the first cable crane

with carriage and setting device for wood hauling by J. Wyssen



Development Semi-automatic carriage



Development Cable Winch W-20



First serial production W-20

Sales to France



Multi-year stay of a Wyssen Lumberjack-crew in Canada



Automatic carriage (mechanical)



From 1956 – 1965 Jakob Wyssen’s three sons enter the business

Hanspeter, Jakob and Ernst Wyssen



Construction of the current company building on the “Feld”, Reichenbach



Half-year stay in Canada of the whole family of Jakob Wyssen

with two lumberjack-crews and the first two W-90s with carriages 5t



Two-year stay of a lumberjack-crew in Oregon, USA

with the new 10 t carriage and W-200


from 1970

Various projects and stays in Tanzania, Yemen, Mexico, Switzerland etc.

from 1970

from 1980

Various projects in Italy, Spain, Bhutan, New Zealand etc.

from 1980

from 1990

Various projects in Turkey, Romania, Colombia, Slovenia, Malaysia etc.

from 1990


Construction Störebelt Suspension Bridge Denmark



Construction of the Millennium Bridge in London



the founder Jakob Wyssen dies at the age of 99 years



Jakob Martin Wyssen (grandson of the founder) takes over the management of the company